The Advantage of the WhatsApp Newsletter

Ditch email and experience the power of the WhatsApp newsletter! With opening rates over 90% and higher conversion rates, it surpasses email by a landslide.

Download it now!

INFO-GUIDE WhatsAppNewsletter-en

WhatsApp Newsletter offers you:

  1. Higher opening rates compared to email newsletters
  2. 90% or more click-through-rates
  3. Personalized messages for each customer
  4. Campaigns and discount promotions through messenger
  5. More marketing opportunities


Download our free guide now and we will show you step by step how to use the WhatsApp newsletter!
Thomas Karcher über ChatWerk

''Less than a week passed from the first meeting to going live... WhatsApp opened as a support channel and is already recording 70% of inquiries via the messenger service...''

Thomas Karcher, CEO, nuts & golden

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